Clarisse Pieterson Photography » Lifestyle wedding & portrait photographer | Pretoria, Gauteng


” Today I looked into the sky and it was beautiful.

I then realised it’s because you are there.

You fly with the angels now but

part of you will always be with us.”


Wow, my eyes are all teared up writing this post. About a year ago Anja contacted me to book a familie shoot. Her dad had just found out that he had cancer and they wanted to do a shoot before he had to start chemo the monday. We had so much fun, what incredible people!! Emotions ran high but still laughter and joy won. Today a year later, I am sad to report that Oom Andre passed away. We are especially thinking of Anja and her mom Anne-Marie during this time and keeping you in our prayers.

So this post is in loving memory of Andre Steenkamp!
